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checklist for writing up your order:
We will review all options and discuss pros and cons of below but it always best to discuss with all key family members in advance so you have one concise plan moving forward.
1. Know an approximate quantity
You will easily be allowed to change quantity up until the order is submitted to production but knowing an approximate amount at the beginning helps. This is particularly helpful if you have sub-lists of guests that are receiving different invitations/enclosures.
2. What names will be listed on the invitation?
Full names, nicknames, middle names, Hebrew names etc....
3. Know all locations, addresses and start/end times
4. What shape and layout do you prefer?
5. What wording do you prefer?
6. How many fonts do you prefer, what style and/or what specific fonts?
7. What colors do you prefer and what color do you want as the background?
IE- you want pink and blue but does that mean pink background with blue copy or blue background with pink copy? Do you want hot pink or baby pink etc.... If you have a theme or logo, how much of it do you want on your invitation? Please have a vector version of your logo available (AI or PDF version ).
8. What do you want on the back/liner/envelope etc...
9. If you are having a details card, what information do you want to convey? Accommodations, full address of the venue, transportation, website, sleepover, phone numbers etc.... Please have all hotel block info including the date, if any, of when guests have to book by.
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